Новини факультету

Чергове заняття-тренінг «English Teacher’s Movie Club»

27-го жовтня 2021 року на кафедрі англійської філології та лінгводидактики факультету іноземної та слов’янської філології відбулосячергове заняття-тренінг «English Teacher’s Movie Club», яке підготувалаСтудентська наукова лабораторія методикинавчання іноземних мов і культур (керівник доцент Г. І. Подосиннікова) для старшокурсників факультету у межах неформальної освіти з дисциплін «Практика усного та писемного мовлення» (освітній рівень «Бакалавр», 4 курс, тема «Crime and Punishment»), та дисциплін методичного циклу освітніх рівнів «Бакалавр», «Магістр».

On the 27th of October the Master’s degree candidate Olesia Prykhodko (361), the member of the Student Foreign Language Teaching Laboratory (scientific supervisor – Associate Professor H.I. Podosynnikova), hold the meeting of the English Teacher’s Movie Club.

The master-class session was entitled “Are You Good or Evil?” and was focused on improving listening skills and lexical subskills of senior students (group 341) at their start of considering the topic area “Crime and Punishment”. Watching a high-quality BBC documentary, the participants had an opportunity to learn opinions and facts from leading British scientists on factors that may lead to criminal behaviors.

“Are you good or evil?” opened with a couple of studies that look at our innate morality – a virtual reality test where people have to decide whether to save a group of five people or an individual from a person with a gun, and a study of the ability of babies to choose a 'good' puppet (around 70 percent chose the puppet that did not run away with the ball). Therefore, it appears that morality is something that we are born with. However, suppressing this moral instinct can be harmful – soldiers who are trained to kill while ignoring this natural sense of morality can become damaged and lose respect for all life, including friends and family. So how is it that some people do not seem to have any sense of revulsion or regret for harm that they do – the psychopaths? It made scientists reconsider the whole idea of crime and punishment for it.

The listening session was supplemented with the variety of interesting and well-structured assignments followed by a vivid discussion. The new vocabulary units on the subject area “Law, Crime, Punishment” turned out to be useful, especially for the fourth-year students. The master-class gave the future teachers an opportunity to gain professional awareness of what was going on in their language classroom, to consider the stages of developing listening skills and to identify the aims of different activities. It was a great chance to combine work and pleasure in the most productive way!

Lots of thanks to the presenter, the Laboratory and the Chair for this interesting and useful event!
